Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Myn epistre to Iohannes Gower

To Iohannes Gowere be this lettir delyveryd in haste.

Thys is to ascerteyne & proclayme that Ich habbe yherd of thyn despycable accusaciouns ayenst Mayster Chaucer & of youre othir malefacciounes also. Lenger nyl Ich lyste to youre ryght lewed tales & fabricaciouns of enormitees. As of thys uery momente we (that ys, Thomas Occleve & Ich) shall labouren on oure owen blogge to chyde thee, prayse the grete poete daun Gaufridus & yeve consolacioun to alle those afflycted by maladyes of the mynde.

Wretyn at Westmynstre on the ferthe daye of Iuli. By yowre humble servaunt Thomas Hoccleve.

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